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About the Course

This class is designed for patrol officers and will equip them with skills to interdict suspects and victims involved in human trafficking. The student will understand the dynamics, the terminology, and indicators of human trafficking and how to interact with both the suspect and the victim. The student will also be able to gather evidence from different sources to include electronics, to assist in providing advocacy for any possible victims and to move forward with a possible criminal case against the trafficker.

Your Instructor

Human Trafficking Training Center

Dan Nash brings 27 years of law enforcement experience to the HTTC, 12 of which is specifically in human trafficking cases. Alison Phillips has a decade of experience in human trafficking work through advocacy, academia and multi-disciplinary team building. Their partnership as co-founders of the HTTC began in the state of Missouri where Alison served as the Director of the Human Trafficking Task Force for the Missouri Attorney General's Office. Dan at the time was the Coordinator of the Missouri State Highway Patrol's Human Trafficking Unit and provided supervision for the Attorney General's Task Force Law Enforcement Unit. Under their leadership, and with the partnership of many dedicated task force members, they were able to build on of the most successful human trafficking programs in the US. 

Human Trafficking Training Center
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